Sunday, July 29, 2012

God or your Conscience? What do you watch on TV?

Yesterday as I asked God to help me make better decisions, he answered. My question was how do I decide what TV shows to watch? He said, Eddy the answer I am about to give you will help you for the rest of your life. Decide what to watch the way you decide anything and everything in your life! God said to me: ask yourself the age old question, What would Jesus do? Or to put it another way, What would Jesus watch on TV? What would you feel comfortable watching with Jesus on the couch next to you? And I said God, I don't think Jesus would like to watch murder on TV and God said then don't watch it. I said to him, But God are you telling me not to watch Law & Order? God said, no Eddy you are telling you not to watch it. You asked me a question and I answered, now did you really want to hear the answer or not? I said yes God, I did and I will not watch it anymore. I learned more than this from God yesterday, I learned something very important. That is that God speaks through your conscience and that makes it that much more important that you listen to yourself and God. Then another question came to me, I asked God, So make all decisions as if he were actually there, Because He Is ACTUALLY THERE!

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